I have taught A ECL 231 Wildlife and Fisheries Principles, A ECL 333 Fisheries Techniques, A ECL 440 Fishery Management, HON 290 Special Problems, NREM 305 Fish Physiology, NREM 305 Science of Angling, NREM 490 Independent Study, NREM 496 New Zealand Aquatic Ecology, NREM 505 Aquatic Food Webs, and NREM 505 Stream Mapping at Iowa State University. I also assist with the freshman orientation field camp and occasionally offer seminar courses for undergraduate and graduate students. Courses use active student learning and team based learning approaches and focus on hands-on exercises and case studies to prepare students for careers in natural resource management.
Courses Taught
New Zealand Fly Fishing - Spring 2014
New Zealand Fly Fishing - Spring 2014
New Zealand Marine Fishing - Spring 2014
New Zealand Snorkeling - Spring 2014
New Zealand Parks - Spring 2014