Weber Fisheries Ecology and Management Lab
Peer Reviewed Publications
* denotes undergraduate student
† denotes graduate student
†Simonson, M. A McCombs†, and MJ Weber. 2023. Hierarchical model to predict Common Carp and Bigmouth Buffalo abundance from electrofishing data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
†Simonson, M, MJ Weber, G Wilkinson, and A Annear†. 2023. Annual changes in water quality and sportfish community structure following commercial harvest of Common Carp and Bigmouth Buffalo. Lake and Reservoir Management 39:174-189.
†Tillotson, N, MJ Weber, and CL Pierce. 2023. Effects of Bigheaded Carp on larval Freshwater Drum diets. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
†Kelly, B, M Siepker, and MJ Weber. 2023. Effects of non-native Salmo trutta and environmental factors on native fishes in the Driftless area. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80:942-957.
*Prull, M, †M. Simonson, and MJ Weber. 2023. Precision and bias of three Bigmouth Buffalo Ictiobus cyprinellus aging structures. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43: 646-655. J
Krabbenhoft, CA, SA Ludsin, EA Marschall, RR Budnik, LZ Almeida, CL Cahill, HS Embke, AS Feiner, PJ Schmalz, MJ Thorstensen, MJ Weber, MR Wuellner, and GJA Hansen. 2023. Synthesizing professional opinion and published science to build a conceptual model of Walleye recruitment. Fisheries 48:141-156.
†Goode, K, MJ Weber, and P Dixon. 2023. WhoseEgg: classifying software for invasive carp eggs. PeerJ 11:e14787. Journal 5-year impact factor: 3.06
†Annear A, M Simonson†, P Dixon and MJ Weber. 2023. Intra-annual variability in Common Carp and Bigmouth Buffalo electrofishing data in shallow lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:556-568.
†Sylvia A, MJ Weber, and T Froman*. 2023. Do jaw deformities adversely affect Largemouth Bass? Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 14:3-12.
†Maahs, B, A Sylvia†, and MJ Weber. 2022. Effects of length and bag limits on Largemouth Bass tournament capture and mortality. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
†Mills, N, MJ Weber, D Cashatt, CL Pierce and P Dixon. 2022. Factors influencing fish mercury concentrations in Iowa lakes. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. J
†Sylvia, A, and MJ Weber. 2022. Assessing size-dependent population-level effects of Largemouth Bass tournament mortality. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
†Lewis M, W Cope†, T Miles†, C Rude†, R Bruesewitz, B Dodd, M Flammang, K Page, MJ Weber, R Weber†, and M Wolter. 2021. Reservoir fish escapement in North America: A historical review and future directions. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. Note: authors 5-11 are in alphabetical order
†Simonson, M. MJ Weber, and A McCombs†. Hyperstability in electrofishing catch rates of Common Carp and Bigmouth Buffalo. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
*Grinstead S, B Kelly†, M Siepker, and MJ Weber. Assessment of a coldwater fish index of biotic integrity in Iowa’s Driftless Area. Aquatic Ecology.
†Tillotson, N, MJ Weber, and CL Pierce. Effects of Asian Carp on zooplankton dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River. Hydrobiologia.
Carlson, AK, WT Taylor, DR DeVries, CP Ferreri, MJ Fogarty, KJ Hartman, DM Infante, MT Kinnison, SA Levin, RT Melstrom, RM Newman, ML Pinsky, DI Rubenstein, MP Sullivan, PA Venturelli, MJ Weber, and MR Wuellner. 2021. Stepping up: a US perspective on the 10 steps to responsible inland fisheries. Fisheries.
Krogman, R, B Dodd, A Otting, R Weber†, and . 2021. Modeled Walleye regulation outcomes in a Midwestern reservoir with varying forage and Walleye density.North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
†Grausgruber, S, MJ Weber, and JE Morris. 2021. Importance of coarse woody habitat complexity on Yellow Perch egg skein deposition and survival. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:1892-1902.
Grausgruber, S, EE Grausgruber, and MJ Weber. 2021. Influence of ice-angler culling practices on Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus physiological stress responses and mortality. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:1703-1713 .
†Maahs, B, A Sylvia†, and MJ Weber. 2021. Effects of number of largemouth bass per live-well compared to environmental conditions on post release tournament survival. Fisheries Research 243:106101.
Erickson, RA, JL Kallis, AA Coulter, DP Coulter, R MacNamara, J Lamer, WW Bouska, K Irons, L Solomon, , MK Brey, †C Sullivan, GG Sass, JE Garvey, and DC Glover. Demographic variability of two invasive species along an invasion gradient: Bighead and silver carps in the Illinois, Ohio, and Mississippi rivers, USA. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.
Weber MJ, A Matthews†, and CL Pierce. Effects of adult biomass and environmental conditions on Bigheaded Carp reproductive output. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.
†Grausgruber, EE, and MJ Weber. 2021. Using mark-recapture techniques to assess fall weekly survival of fall stocked walleye Sander vitreus in two Iowa lakes. Fisheries Research.
†Grausgruber, EE, and MJ Weber. 2021. Shift happens: evaluating the ability of fall stocked Walleye Sander vitreus to shift to natural prey. Fisheries Management and Ecology.
†Sylvia, A, S Dinsmore, and MJ Weber. 2021. Tournament and recreational anglers have little effect on a Largemouth Bass population compared to natural mortality.
†Weber, R, and MJ Weber. 2021. Behavior, escapement, and mortality of adult Muskellunge in Midwestern reservoirs.
†Grausgruber, EE, and MJ Weber. 2021. Effects of stocking transport duration on age-0 Walleye Sander vitreus.
†Weber, R, and MJ Weber. Effects of harvest, movement, and escapement on reservoir Walleye populations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
†Goode K, Weber MJ, A Matthews†, and CL Pierce. 2021. Evaluation of a random forest model to identify invasive carp eggs based on morphometric features. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
†Simpson, NT, AP Bybel†, MJ Weber, CL Pierce, and KJ Roe. In press. Factors associated with distributions of six fishes of greatest conservation need in streams in Midwestern, USA. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
†Kelly, B, M Siepker, and MJ Weber. Factors associated with detection and distribution of native Brook Trout and introduced Brown Trout in the Driftless Area of Iowa. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
Weber, MJ, and D Cashatt. Use of occupancy modelling to identify sample sizes and waterbodies with fish exceeding mercury consumption advisory thresholds. Ecotoxicology.
†Camacho, CA, †CJ Sullivan, MJ Weber, and CL Pierce. Suitability of an Upper Mississippi River tributary for invasive carp reproduction. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
†Sylvia, A, †BC Maahs, and MJ Weber. Shifting paradigms in harvest management: a case study using Largemouth Bass. In Harvest of Fish and Wildlife: New Paradigms for Sustainable Management. L Powell and KJ Pope, editors.
†Grausgruber, EE, and MJ Weber. In press. Using bioenergetics to estimate consumption of stocked age-0 Walleye Sander vitreus by a suite of piscivores. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
†Sullivan, CJ, MJ Weber, CL Pierce, DH Wahl, Q Phelps and R Columbo. In press. Spatial variation in Silver Carp populations across their existing distribution in North America. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.
†Camacho, CA, †CJ Sullivan, MJ Weber, and CL Pierce. In press. Invasive Carp reproduction phenology in tributaries of the Upper Mississippi River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
†Weber, RE, and MJ Weber. 2020. Yearling Muskellunge post-stocking behavior and survival in two central Iowa, USA reservoirs with contrasting habitat availability. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:1263-12759.
Meerbeek JE, and MJ Weber. 2020. Muskellunge survival, interbasin movement, and emigration in a simple and a complex-interconnected glacial lake. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40: 1146-1160.
†Grausgruber, EE, and MJ Weber. 2020. Bigger is better! Evidence of size-selective predation on age-0 Walleye Sander vitreus. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40: 726-732.
†Weber, R, and MJ Weber. 2020. Behavior and survival of wild versus stocked fingerling Walleye. Fisheries Management and Ecology 27: 429-443.
Weber, MJ, G Wilkinson, M Balmer, and MC Bevil †. 2020. Restoration of eutrophic lakes in Iowa, USA. Hydrobiologia 847: 4469-4486.
†Sullivan, CJ, †CA Camacho, MJ Weber, and CL Pierce. 2020. A comparison of Grass Carp population characteristics upstream and downstream of Lock and Dam 19 of the Upper Mississippi River. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 11: 99-111.
†Sylvia, A, †BC Maahs, and MJ Weber. 2020. Influence of Largemouth Bass behaviors, angler behaviors, and environmental conditions on fishing tournament capture success. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 149: 93-107.
Weber MJ, †RE Weber, †EE Ball, and JR Meerbeek. 2020. Using radio telemetry to evaluate post-stocking survival and behavior large fingerling Walleye in three Iowa, USA lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40: 48-60.
†Ball, EE, KJ Goode†, and MJ Weber. 2020. Effects of transport duration and water quality parameters on age-0 Walleye Sander vitreus stress and survival. North American Journal of Aquaculture 82: 33-42.
†Camacho, CA, †CJ Sullivan, MJ Weber, and CL Pierce. 2019. Morphological identification of Bighead Carp, Silver Carp, and Grass Carp eggs using random forests machine learning classification. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39: 1373-1384. J
†Sylvia, A, and MJ Weber. 2019. Use of a mark-recapture model to estimate delayed catch and release mortality of Largemouth Bass at tournaments. Fisheries Research 219: 105335.
Meerbeek JE, and MJ Weber. 2019. Effects of broodstock collection on adult Muskellunge populations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39: 807-816.
Fincel, M, M Kludt, H Meyer, MJ Weber, and C Longhenry. 2019. Long-term data suggest potential interactions of introduced Walleye and Smallmouth Bass on native Sauger in four Missouri River impoundments. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10: 1-17.
Pierce, CL, †NT Simpson, †AP Bybel, †CL Zambory, MJ Weber, and KJ Roe. 2019. Status of the Topeka Shiner in Iowa. The American Midland Naturalist 182: 109-117.
Carlson, AK, WT Taylor, MT Kinnison, MP Sullivan, MJ Weber, RT Melstron, PA Venturelli, MR Wuellner, RM Newman, KJ Hartman, GB Zydlewski, DR DeVries, SM Gray, DM Infante, MA Pegg, RM Harrel, and AE Todgham. 2019. Administrative perspectives on current and future threats to freshwater fisheries in the United States. Fisheries 44: 276-287.
†Simpson, NT, AP Bybel†, MJ Weber, CL Pierce, and KJ Roe. 2019. Occurrence, abundance, and associations of Topeka Shiners in restored and unrestored oxbows in Iowa and Minnesota. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29:1735-1748.
†Zambory C, H. Ellis, CL Pierce, KJ Roe, MJ Weber and KE Schilling, and NC Young. 2019. The development of a GIS methodology to identify oxbows and former stream meanders from LiDAR-derived digital elevation models. Remote Sensing 11: 12.
Weber, MJ, and M Flammang. 2019. Relative effects of mortality versus emigration for regulating a reservoir Walleye population. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148: 123-133.
†Sullivan, CJ, †CA Camacho, MJ Weber, and CL Pierce. 2019. Influence of river discharge on Grass Carp occupancy dynamics in south-eastern Iowa rivers. River Research and Application 35: 60-67.
Weber, MJ, and ML Brown. 2019. Recipient ecosystem productivity influences effects of resource pulses in mesocosms. Hydrobiologia 827: 183-199.
†Mills, N, MJ Weber CL Pierce, and D Cashatt. 2019. Factors influencing fish mercury concentrations in Iowa rivers. Ecotoxicology 28: 229-241.
Whitledge GW, B Knights, J Vallazza, JH Larson, MJ Weber, JT Lamer, QE Phelps, and JD Norman. 2019. Identification of Bighead Carp and Silver Carp early-life environments and inferring Lock and Dam 19 passage in the Upper Mississippi River: insights from otolith chemistry. Biological Invasions 21: 1007-1020.
Weber MJ and ML Brown. 2019. Application of a robust design occupancy model to evaluate factors resulting in recruitment success or failure of an invasive fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76:561-568.
†Sullivan, CJ, †CA Camacho, MJ Weber, and CL Pierce. 2018. Grass Carp detection and occupancy rates in the Upper Mississippi River. River Research and Application 35: 60-67.
Weber, MJ, and ML Brown. 2018. Recipient ecosystem productivity influences effects of resource pulses in mesocosms. Hydrobiologia 827: 183-199.
†Mills, N, MJ Weber CL Pierce, and D Cashatt. Factors influencing fish mercury concentrations in Iowa rivers. Ecotoxicology XX:xxx-xxx.
Whitledge GW, B Knights, J Vallazza, JH Larson, MJ Weber, JT Lamer, QE Phelps, and JD Norman.2019. Identification of Bighead Carp and Silver Carp early-life environments and inferring Lock and Dam 19 passage in the Upper Mississippi River: insights from otolith chemistry. Biological Invasions 21: 1007-1020
Weber MJ and ML Brown. 2019. Application of a robust design occupancy model to evaluate factors resulting in recruitment success or failure of an invasive fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Fritts, AK, BC Knights, J Amberg, JH Larson, JJ Amberg, C Merkes, T Tajioui, SE Butler, MJ Diana, DH Wahl, MJ Weber, and JD Waters. In press. Development of a quantitative PCR method for screening ichthyoplankton samples for bigheaded carps. Biological Invasions XX: xxx-xxx.
†Ball, EE, and MJ Weber. 2018. Biometric relationships between age-0 Walleye Sander vitreus total length and external morphometric features. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 34: 1277-1284.
*Fernholz, S, †A Sylvia, and MJ Weber. 2018. Hook wound longevity and use as an indicator of Largemouth Bass catch-and-release angling pressure. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38: 759-768.
*Blankman, TA, †EE Ball, and MJ Weber. 2018. Evaluating the efficiency of pulsed gastric lavage for age-0 Walleyes Sander vitreus. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38: 953-958.
†Mills, N, D Cashatt, MJ Weber, and CL Pierce. 2018. A case study and a meta-analysis of seasonal variation in fish mercury concentrations. Ecotoxicology 27: 641-649.
†Sullivan, CJ, MJ Weber, †CA Camacho, DH Wahl, R Columbo and CL Pierce. 2018. Factors regulating year-class strength of Silver Carp throughout the Mississippi River basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147: 541-553.
†Baldwin, RC, †MD Sundberg, TW Stewart, and MJ Weber. 2018. Influence of sieve mesh size on relationships between macroinvertebrate assemblage and environmental variables in wetlands. Wetlands38: 677-687.
†Sundberg, MD, †RC Baldwin, TW Stewart, and MJ Weber. 2018. Responses of wetland ecosystems to drought-induced fish eliminations. Wetlands 38: 703-710.
Weber, MJ and ML Brown. 2018. Effects of resource pulse magnitude on nutrient availability, productivity, stability, and food web dynamics in experimental aquatic ecosystems. Hydrobiologia 814: 191-203.
†Bevil, MC and MJ Weber. 2018. Relative effects of density-dependence versus environmental factors on Bluegill populations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38: 140-151.
Weber, MJ and ML Brown. 2018. Evaluating potential competitive bottlenecks between invasive Common Carp and native Bluegill and Yellow Perch. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27: 216-224.
Wagner, C, M Diana, M Wolter, C DeBoom, MJ Weber, and DH Wahl. 2017. Survival and growth of three geographically distinct stocks of Muskellunge introduced into Midwestern reservoirs. Pages 437-465 in KL Kapuscinski, TD Simonson, DP Crane, SJ Kerr, JS Diana, and JM Farrell, editors. Muskellunge management: fifty years of cooperating among anglers, scientists, and fisheries biologists. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 85, Bethesda, Maryland.
Dembkowski, DJ, MJ Weber, and M Wuellner. 2017. Factors influencing recruitment and growth of age-0 Yellow Perch in eastern South Dakota glacial lakes. Fisheries Management and Ecology 24:372-381.
†Sullivan, CJ, †CA Camacho, MJ Weber, and CL Pierce. 2017. Intra-annual variability of Silver Carp populations in the Des Moines River, USA. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:836-849.
†Ball, E, and MJ Weber. 2017. Validation of a glucose meter for measuring glucose in age-0 walleye. North American Journal of Aquaculture 79:245-249.
Weber, MJ, ML Brown, DH Wahl, and DE Shoup. 2017. Quantifying the spatial scale of common carp Cyprinus carpio recruitment across North America. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74:1682-1691.
Weber, MJ, and MA Flammang. 2017. Effects of PIT tag size and implantation site on tag retention and growth and survival of juvenile walleye and muskellunge. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:480-488.
Weber, MJ, and M. L. Brown. 2017. Evaluating potential competitive bottlenecks between invasive common carp and native bluegill and yellow perch. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27:216-224.
†Letvin, A., ML Brown, K Bertrand, and MJ Weber. 2017. Effects of common carp on trophic dynamics of sport fishes in shallow South Dakota water bodies. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146:331-340.
†Sundberg, MD, †RC Baldwin, TW Stewart, and MJ Weber. 2016. Linkages among land use, invasive fishes, and prairie pothole wetland condition. Wetlands 36:1097-1107.
Flammang, M, R Schultz, and MJ Weber. 2016. A comparison of small and large frame nets and hoop nets for sampling panfish populations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36: 1347-1357.
Weber, M.J., M.J. Hennen, M.L. Brown, D.O. Lucchesi, and T. St. Sauver. 2016. Compensatory response of an invasive species, common carp Cyprinus carpio, to harvest. Fisheries Research 179: 168-178.
Weber, M. J., and M.L. Brown. 2016. Effects of resource pulses on nutrient availability, ecosystem productivity, and temporal variability following a stochastic disturbance in eutrophic glacial lakes. Hydrobiologia 771:165-177.
*Carl, D., M. J. Weber, and M. L. Brown. 2016. A comparison of three attractants to increase catch rates of juvenile common carp. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:506-513.
Weber M. J., M. Thul, and M. Flammang. 2016. Effectiveness of pulsed direct current at reducing walleye escapement from a simulated reservoir. Fisheries Research 176:15-21.
Weber, M. J., *B. C. Ruebush, S. M. Creque, R. A. Redman, S. J. Czesny, D. H. Wahl, and J. M. Dettmers. 2015. Early life history of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in southwestern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 41: 436-447.
Weber, M. J., M. L. Brown, D. H. Wahl, and D. E. Shoup. 2015. Metabolic theory explains latitudinal variation in common carp populations and predicts responses to climate change. Ecosphere 6:54.
Bajer, P., T. K. Cross, J. Lechelt, C. J. Chizinski, M. J. Weber, and P. W. Sorensen. 2015. Across-ecoregion analysis suggests a hierarchy of ecological filters that regulate recruitment of a globally invasive fish. Diversity and Distributions 21:500-510.
Wagner, C. P., M. J. Weber, and D. H. Wahl. 2015. Structural complexity influences littoral coarse woody habitat selection by juvenile Muskellunge. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:14-19.
Weber, M. J., and M. L. Brown. 2015. Biomass-dependent effects of juvenile common carp on aquatic ecosystems. Hydrobiologia 742: 71-80.
Flammang, M., M. Thul, M. J. Weber, and R. Schultz. 2014. Laboratory evaluation of a bioacoustic bubble strobe light barrier for reducing walleye escapement. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34: 1047-1054.
*Howell, J. M, M. J. Weber, and M. L. Brown. 2014. Evaluation of trophic niche overlap between native fishes and young-of-the-year common carp. The American Midland Naturalist 172: 91-106.
Weber, M. J., and M. L. Brown. 2013. Spatiotemporal variation of juvenile common carp foraging patterns as inferred from stable isotope analysis. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:1179-1191.
Weber M. J., M. Flammang, and R. Schultz. 2013. Estimating and evaluating mechanisms related to walleye escapement from Rathbun Lake, Iowa. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:642-651.
Weber, M. J., and M. L. Brown. 2013. Continuous, pulsed, and disrupted nutrient subsidy effects on ecosystem productivity, stability, and energy flow. Ecosphere 4:27.
Weber, M. J., and M. L. Brown. 2013. Density-dependence and environmental conditions regulate recruitment and first year-growth of common carp in shallow lakes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:471-482.
Weber, M. J., and M. L. Brown. 2012. Maternal effect of common carp on egg quantity and quality. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 27:409-417.
Weber, M. J., and M. L. Brown. 2012. Diel and temporal habitat use of juvenile fishes in a complex glacial lake. Lake and Reservoir Management 28:120-129.
Carter, M. W., M. J. Weber, J. M. Dettmers, and D. H. Wahl. 2012. Movement patterns of smallmouth and largemouth bass in Lake Michigan: the importance of water temperature. Journal of Great Lakes Research 38:396-401.
Weber, M. J., and M. L. Brown. 2012. Effects of predator species, vegetation and prey assemblage on prey preferences of predators with emphasis on vulnerability of age-0 common carp. Fisheries Management and Ecology 19:293-300.
Weber, M. J., K. D. Rounds*, and M. L. Brown. 2012. Phenotypic variation and associated predation risk of juvenile common carp Cyprinus carpio. Journal of Fish Biology 80:49-60.
Redman, R. A., S. J. Czesny, J. M. Dettmers, M. J. Weber, and D. Makauskas. 2011. Old tales in recent context: current perspective on yellow perch recruitment in Lake Michigan. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1277-1289.
Weber, M. J., J. M. Dettmers, and D. H. Wahl. 2011. Growth and survival of age-0 yellow perch across habitats in southwestern Lake Michigan: early life history in a large freshwater environment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1172-1185.
Weber, M. J., J. M. Dettmers, D. H. Wahl, and S. J. Czesny. 2011. Size preferences and behaviors of native yellow perch foraging on invasive round gobies. Journal of Great Lakes Research 37:584-587.
Kaemingk, M. A., M. J. Weber, P. McKenna, and M. L. Brown. 2011. Effect of passive integrated transponder tag (PIT) implantation site on tag retention, growth, and survival of two sizes of juvenile bluegills and yellow perch. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:726-732.
Weber, M. J., and M. L. Brown. 2011. Comparison of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) age estimates derived from dorsal spines and pectoral fin rays. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 26:195-202.
Weber, M. J., and M. L. Brown. 2011. Relationships among invasive common carp, native fishes and physicochemical characteristics in upper Midwest (USA) lakes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 20:270-278.
Weber, M. J., M. J. Hennen, and M. L. Brown. 2011. Simulated population responses of common carp to commercial exploitation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:269-279.
Weber, M. J., M. L. Brown, and D. W. Willis. 2010. Spatial variability of common carp populations in relation to lake morphology and physicochemical parameters in the upper Midwest United States. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19:555-565.
Weber, M. J., J. M. Dettmers, D. H. Wahl, and S. J. Czesny. 2010. Effects of predator-prey interactions and benthic habitat complexity on selectivity of a foraging generalist. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1004-1013.
Weber, M. J., and M. L. Brown. 2009. Effects of common carp on aquatic ecosystems 80 years after ‘Carp as a dominant’: Ecological insights for fisheries management. Reviews in Fisheries Science 17:524-537.